Where do I get my info?

If you’ve clicked on this link then you’re obviously looking for some concrete answers. I don’t take this lightly. I get it. Somewhere along the way I have become a lifelong student of health and wellness and my hope is that I can inspire others to do the same.

Following up on questions you have, weighing differing opinions and figuring out where you personally fall in your commitment and belief are key to making changes that you believe in and are willing to make sacrifices for. Because, let’s face it, if you’re going to make changes, there will be sacrifice. We all just want those sacrifices to be worth it.

I’m not a scientist. In fact, I don’t even like science much but you can’t get past it if you’re working with food and health so I try to find sources that I trust who DO like science and are evaluating it from a evidence-based perspective. No junk science that is funded by the very same company profiting from it. That’s intolerable and a sad representation of what this country has become.

This is not an exhaustive list. I get information from MANY sources but these are my go-tos more often than not. If I can’t find the answer here, then I will venture elsewhere. In my opinion, these are some of the best places to start.

  • chriskresser.com – I go here first for anything medically related. When I needed to learn about my thyroid and Hashimoto’s, this is where I went. Once I was done reading his information I felt I had a good handle on thyroid function and testing levels. He’s incredibly thorough and his podcast is great. I’ve listened to every single one of them. Available at iTunes.
  • balancedbites.com – I highly recommend this podcast and all the resources that go along with it. When I found this podcast years ago I practically wept with relief. It was the first time I had ever heard anyone talk about leaky gut to the extent that I had lived it and learned about it. Passive learning at its best. Available at iTunes.
  • westonaprice.org – I am a chapter leader for this organization and although I’m familiar with most of the topics they talk about, the information is so in-depth and there is always more to learn. I go here for answers to vaccinations, fats, environmental issues and much, much more. They have also recently begun a podcast called Wise Traditions. It’s available at iTunes.

I will keep adding to this as I add to my own knowledge and find trusted sources but this should get you started.

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