Super Simple Sausage Dinner



You’re not going to believe this. Grapes and sausage are a match made in heaven. Yep. I said that.

Grapes and sausage … delicious together and they make a super simple Sausage Dinner!


I’ve been making this combination for the last couple months. Frequently. It’s SO simple! For those nights when you have no idea what to make, here’s a go-to, 20 minute dinner.

I’ve tried this with several different flavors of sausage, including my own spinach/Asiago, and I’m pretty sure unless you choose a sausage that has overwhelmingly strong flavors, nearly anything will taste great.


I’m not going to give you a recipe for this. You don’t need it. It’s all to taste and super, super simple.

Here’s what I do.
* Cut up 1-2 lbs. of (precooked) sausage into bite-sized pieces.
* Cut up a bunch of kale, removing the spines and chopping the leaves into bite-sized pieces.
* Slice or dice half a sweet, white onion.
* Remove red grapes from the stems and cut in half. I use about half the weight of the sausage.
*Heat a large skillet on medium, sauté the onion in some olive oil until translucent, add the sausage and heat through, browning about half the pieces.
*Add the kale, grapes and about 1/4 cup water. Cover and steam the kale until tender, about 10 minutes, stirring a few times. Remove cover and let the water evaporate. This should only take a couple minutes, if that.
*When the dish is as hot as you like, it’s done. I don’t cook it much further than to warm the kale because I like the grapes to be firm and intact.

Three ingredients, twenty minutes and it’s on the table. Can’t be much simpler than that!

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