
We discovered this amazing drink, Dandelion Root Coffee, almost by accident. It sounds weird, doesn’t it? Have you ever heard of drinking dandelion root tea?

Neither had I until my very restrictive diet, when I wasn’t allowed to have coffee. Mornings were dull and drab with nothing to look forward to. You know. It’s hard to break a habit that you love. But, eventually I found chicory root and dandelion root tea and used that as a substitute. While it wasn’t like coffee, it did give me something warm to hold on to during cold winter mornings.

Thankfully, I’ve been able to add coffee back into my morning routine with no negative effects. So, this winter, because I wanted to continue to support good liver function, I added a dandelion root tea bag to my morning decaf coffee. I couldn’t believe how delicious it was! It was truly a surprise to both myself and my daughter. The dandelion root seems to heighten the coffee flavor and make it even more rich.


The benefits of dandelion root are well known. It’s been used for thousands of years in China and was also mentioned in traditional Arabian medicine in the 10th century. It’s been used as a tonic, food, and in herbal wines and beers. The root is a favorite of traditional herbalists because it supports the healthy functioning of the liver, kidneys, spleen, and gallbladder and is considered to be a reliable detoxifying agent. It’s available at most health food stores.


I bet you didn’t know that these unassuming (often annoying) plants that grow everywhere are little nutrition powerhouses! My journey into natural cures and beneficial plants just keeps on going with this being one of the biggest surprises to me. I mean, really, how many times have you cursed these prolific creatures. Thousands, right? Me too. I look at them very differently now. The leaves can be eaten too when young and tender and are great digestive support because of the bitterness. {Bitter flavors helps your stomach create more digestive enzymes.}


Added to decaf, organic coffee, dandelion root elevates your morning drink to one that not only tastes great but supports your health, adds antioxidants (from the organic coffee) and satisfies your morning craving for something warm and delicious. What more could you want except for maybe a little bit of maple syrup for the minerals and some raw cream for the good fats and vitamins?


This drink is a great example of nutritionally dense food and especially food as medicine.

Drink up!


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