
Welcome, to a new year, friends!

I’ve been so excited to get the ball rolling on this new relationship. For many months I’ve dreamed of this launch day. Of course, work, life and whatnot got in the way many times but I think it’s perfect for my OCD tendencies to launch this new venture on the first of the year.

New years are always punctuated by resolutions. I’ve participated some years and yet others I’ve been discouraged so I didn’t made any. I don’t think I’ll make any this year either. Most of the time my life is such that I’m always striving to improve anyway. I try not to make improvements at only one time a year. That would hardly be an improvement, I’d say, if it was only once. I guess my goal for this year is to make improvements each day, make different choices … better choices.

Mr. & Mrs. Farmer raised me to always look on the positive side of life. As a child this was particularly annoying and frustrating since we were not always allowed to express our negative feelings at will. I’m not saying my parents didn’t listen to me and my sister, what I’m saying is that when we expressed a negative feeling or made a negative statement, they countered with something positive. Positive thinking ruled the day.

This year, 2015, I’m going to strive to look at the positives more and not have so many expectations. I’m going to make moves to improve my health, my diet, my attitude (that one often needs work) and my skills. As long as I’m moving in that direction, at the end of the year I will have accomplished plenty and I won’t have a failed resolution to beat myself up for in March.

So, here’s to a new year, an improved attitude and the beginning of a new relationship with all of you.

Welcome, friends! Blessings for 2015!

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1 comment

Liz 1.1.2015 - 10:34 am

Well said! Small daily improvements equals big change! Happy New Year!


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